
Located at :
1 Avenue East Hussar Alberta
-we have a sound system you can plug phones and iPods into for music
-full ringette lines AND shot clocks provided
-There is NOT a gas station in town, closet ones are Strathmore, Drumheller and Bassano, all half an hour away.
-There are 3 bank machines in town. One at the bar, one at grocery store across the street from the arena and one in the bank across the street from the arena.
- The arena has a privately run kitchen with great food. Open every day of the week mid October to mid March.
-the curling rink is attached to the arena 

Hussar Arena Contacts


Arena Concession/Lobby number: 403 787-3787


Ice Coordinator: RoxAnne Hale 403 787-2666


Kitchen Contact: Donna: 403 934-0249 or Yvonne 403 934-7623


No outside food permitted. Kitchen will be happy to assist you in any food needs you have.


Care taker: Jake 519 919-1006 or Murray 403 934-0273


Curling Lounge Rental: Shannon 403 901-5520 


Ref Coordinator: John Culshaw 403 -901-3400




Hussar Ag Society Rental Agreement

EFFECTIVE September 1, 2022

Hussar & District Agricultural Society is pleased to offer ice rental at $175/hour

Renters Responsibilities:

  • User groups are responsible to ensure all REP rules and guidelines are followed.
  • Under 18 is not required to have proof of vaccination to participate but MUST follow guidelines if remaining in the building ie) to stay and eat or spectate.


Ice rental cancellations must be made at least 14 days in advance to avoid rental charges. Cancellations due to weather will not be charged.

  • All tournament ice rentals require a deposit of 50% that is NON-refundable. Cancellation for tournament rentals is 4 weeks prior to tournament or full amount will be charged.
  • Each rental, unless specified, includes the use of two dressing rooms: 60 minutes prior to ice time and 45 minutes after. All tape and refuse to be picked up and put in garbage can. All recyclables to be placed in blue bin. Please ensure all showers are turned off as there will be a charge for showers left on.
  • Take all reasonable steps to supervise and control the activities of all players, coaches, officials, trainers, volunteers, fans, employees or invitees of the renter.
  • Each instructional ice rental must include one qualified coach/instructor.
  • Each non-instructional ice rental must have one individual over 18 years old present.
  • In the event of injury, provide Hussar Ag Society with a copy of each injury report completed and submitted to Hockey Alberta or Ringette Alberta.
  • Report any hazardous conditions to caretaker immediately.
  • Any damage to the facility outside of regular use will be the financial responsibility of the renter.
  • It is the responsibility of the renter to obtain necessary gaming licenses for any raffles, cash draws, 50/50, etc being held in the facility.
  • Hussar Ag Society authorizes the caretaker to refuse service, as deemed necessary, with no refund
  • Use of the facility is considered acceptance of all above responsibilities.



  • Our kitchen facility is a full service kitchen. We ask that no outside food or drink be brought into our arena. We would be happy to provide the contact info of the kitchen manager if special requests are needed.

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